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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mesotherapy Injections Part 2

Mesotherapy part 2


After my success with mesotherapy first time around, I figured I would give it a try after my son was born. All the fantastic results from Mesotherapy Part 1 went to shit after I ate my way through my second pregnancy. I weaned my son off breastfeeding, did workouts here and there and figured it was time to melt the fat sticking to the outside of my thighs like winter storage. This time around, I came across an office in Houston and decided to give them a try. Plus, the injections were ½ the price of Mesotherapy Part 1. Great, right? I schedule my appointment and look forward to fitting into my clothes again.


I arrive at the office and begin completing all the same types of forms I completed during Mesotherapy Part 1. I know what to expect this time around and I had already prepared to lay low for 2 weeks because of the swelling. First step, I am weighed. 135 pounds. Not only does the scale tell me my weight, it continues to insult me calculating my body fat percentage and BMI. Do I really need to know all this to get these injections? I mean that is why I’m here, too much fat. I don’t need to be reminded of it three different ways by a machine. After the scale taunts me, I am taken into a room where the nurse pulls out a tape measure. “So we can track your results. It’s just part of the procedure” I’m not a tape measure person. I track results by sight and fit. But… ok. She continues to measure and then begins on my waist, arms, pretty much everywhere. Um, if I am here for my thighs, why are all the other measurements necessary? I don’t ask questions but I wish she would get right to the shots. Finally, the assessment of how large I am is complete and it’s time to get to work. Now, Mesotherapy Part 1, I basically dropped my pants and the doctor injected. This time, she asks me to disrobe and get on the table. I follow orders and wait on the table. It’s freezing cold in the room. The AC is on full blast and there is no cover. In she walks with ice packs. Ice packs? She wraps my legs up with ice packs explaining she wants to numb my legs so I won’t feel pain. I tell her I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, and the injections won’t hurt me. I also tell her I have zero tolerance for freezing ice packs smashed to my legs for 30 minutes. She tells me, “it’s just part of the procedure.” She leaves the room so I can go into hypothermia privately. After about 20 minutes, she returns and asks if I am comfortable. “No.” She apologizes, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. Finally, the injections. She begins doing all her preparations as I literally freeze my ass off. Really, I think I lost like 5 pounds during the “prep time.” She injects away on my first leg and then starts to massage it. I don’t remember this so I ask her what she is doing. She tells me, “it’s just part of the procedure.” This “massage” is the worst thing I have ever felt. My leg is still frozen, I have just been injected like 15 times and here she is rubbing me the way you would rub a dresser if you were sanding it. I don’t even want to move on to leg two. Around this time, I start to wonder things such as, “whatever happened to good old diet and exercise?” and “what the hell is wrong with me?” and “I hope I don’t get cancer from this.” I got lost in my thoughts and stopped paying attention to what was happening until the massage assault on my second leg started. “You do know I am here for mesotherapy, right?” She tells me yes and, “it’s just part of the procedure.” Do they give them scripts?


Finally, it is over and I can leave the torture room. I pay and get out of there as fast as I can. The worst part is over. Now I can sit back and swell up. So I thought. The torture room was just the beginning. Yes, I was swollen, but not like Mesotherapy Part 1. It was more uneven. I also had very, very, very bad bruising. I looked like I belong in a Lifetime Movie of the Week. Even my husband noticed the difference, “you didn’t look like that last time.” Thanks. Two weeks went by and it was time for my checkup. The swelling went down, but not completely. I was also very sore and tender. I figured I would bring it up at the checkup. I arrive and I am put through the whole scale, BMI, tape measurement hell again. “You gained inches.” “Yeah! Because I am still swollen!” She said I should come back in a week so she can see the progress. I went home, and a few days later, still swollen and sore, I decided NOT to return ever again. The soreness lasted MONTHS after the injections. Lessons learned: Shortcuts are not the way to go; I have to put in the work and effort. Secondly, not all mesotherapy is equal. 




  1. LOL...I love how you tell the story! Wow at that second experience. Guess I'll stick to working out eh! Keep them coming Ladies...LUVING IT!

  2. Thx you are saving me sooo much money, I'd gone for a consultation and the place
    I went wanted to charge 3500.00 with multiple office visits but they never looked at the area I wanted injected...however they ran my credit and gave me payment options...a crock...
