I hate making time for waxing appointments. Typically, I hate making time for any appointments if they aren't for massages or pedicures. Or lunch. But waxing is the worst. It is the least fun girly maintenance type of thing to do. It yields the best results as far as hair removal goes, but it has its reasons why it sucks. First of all, it hurts! Plain and simple, it hurts, and it is very hard to keep from kicking your waxer. (One time, I had one lady who laughed at me during a bikini wax. I was in so much pain, and she actually chuckled. I thought, “Really? You find this amusing? Here I am, in such a compromising position, exposed on your table, clutching my skin taut as you rip my hairs out while I writhe in pain, and you are humored by it. Go ahead and rub the salt in, bitch!”) Secondly, you have to wait until your hair is long enough. Usually, I just get bikini waxes. Once I did decide to do a leg waxing, only I didn't have enough hair. I had to “save up” for weeks, and I was downright furry. And then there's the cost. $30 bucks each time. And did I mention it's painful? Thus, I put it off for as long as possible.
Then I was introduced to Poetic Waxing by Bliss. It is a home waxing kit. It comes in a little enamel mug. You melt it, spread it over a hairy area, and pull it off. My favorite thing about it is that no strips are required. It's pretty simple. That said, there is definitely a right way and a wrong way to use it. Hopefully, if you read this before trying Poetic wax, then you will be forewarned about the woes of self waxing. If I can prevent just one person from damn near mutilating their bikini area, then my job is done. There are a few rules one should keep in mind while waxing at home:
- Don't overheat your wax. I use a candle warmer for mine. One time, halfway through, I stirred the wax. The wax toward the bottom of the cup was the hottest. It was a little too hot- ouch!
- Don't sit on a good towel while waxing. The wax is dark blue, and it doesn't come out. Also, make sure you clean up thoroughly after waxing, looking for all traces of wax that may be surrounding your area. I thought I had gotten all the wax cleaned up the first time I used it, but apparently not. For days, I continued to find blue wax everywhere: in the carpet, in my husband's t-shirt, and even on the mattress. Go figure.
- Very important- Trim first! More on this later.
- Very, muy, ultra, super important- Leave the big jobs to the pros! This is probably the single most important lesson Poetic wax has taught me.
Let me share with you a little story:
The first time I used the wax, I just did my bikini line. It was fine. The second time, I decided I was going to do the whole enchilada. That was not fine. I was beyond due for a wax, and I didn't trim first. After all the times I'd been to the salon for a waxing and they've told me that my hair wasn't long enough, I'm thinking that the more hair there is, the better! The outer edges were done easily, but as I worked my way inward I became distressed. Here's what you get when you do not trim first: not a clean strip of wax that you can easily pull off, but a mixture of wax and hair that is a tangled mess. Think if you melted some wax, threw a bunch of hair in, stirred it up, sculpted it into a small animal, and then let it harden. Good luck pulling that off. See, as we all know, the secret to waxing is that the strip needs to be pulled off in one swift, fluid motion. There was no room for swiftness or fluidity in this mess I had gotten myself into. I may as well have been plucking each hair one by one. The pain was unbearable. I was sweating, and quite close to panicking. There was no way out of this except to take that knot of wax and yank. And I just couldn't do that to myself! I had to enlist help. My dear husband, bless his heart... I won't get too graphic here; you get the point. Which is, LEAVE THE BIG JOBS TO THE PROS! Don't try to go Brazilian on your own. Some things are better left up to professional help, and well worth the money. But for bikini lines and upper lips, knock yourself out with Poetic Waxing home wax kit.
ReplyDeleteI cannot stop laughing! I am dying here. I have not laughed like this in a minute. I am so hooked!
Natasha Guillory
(North Carolina)
Yeah, I cannot read this on a full bladder...... Hil ar ri ous!
ReplyDeleteOh, myyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm going to stick to my electric razor and just shave often... Waxing is too painful for me!
ReplyDeleteOMG That was painful to read...
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious!! I think I'll stick to my professional...I'm scared of what I could do to myself.